Halloween may officially be over for another year, but for horror fanatics, the scares never really end.From slashers to exorcisms, body horror to the zombies, found footage and all in between, horror films are a big part of cinema history, as directors look to satisfy people’s innate desire to be terror-stricken each and every year.And as the nights grow darker and colder, there’s no better time to re-watch some of the films which scared the living daylights out of us.
However, which movies are likely to make you jump the most?To get you thrilled – and chilled – to the bone, Top10Casinos.com has compiled a list of the scariest horror films which are most likely to see you jump, scream and spine-chills throughout.Without further ado, here are the 15 films with the most jumps scares recorded, utilising database Where’s The Jump. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Source: 15 of the best horror films of all time ranked by number of chilling jump scares | The Scotsman