2012 Chagford Film Festive – Vintage Mobile Cinema

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During the week of the Film Festival events in Chagford Square was parked for one day the Vintage Mobile Cinema.vintagemobilecinema.co.uk The only surviving example left in the world – a cinema on wheels, and a stunning piece of British transport heritage. During the day it was showing a fascinating selection of short programmes made by local people. The video is introduced by Oliver Halls, owner and who worked on the restoration of the Mobile Cinema. Plus we see a local Chagford C E Primary School visiting the cinema for a special film showing.

The Ministry of Technology built seven of these custom mobile cinema units in the late 1960s, to tour the country, promoting modern production techniques to British industry. The seven Bedfords were operated by PERA, or the Production Engineering Research Association. Films would be played within the cinema, with supporting displays shown in the trailer that accompanied the towing unit as they toured the nation’s factories.

[iframe src=http://player.vimeo.com/video/58975385 width=500 height=281 frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen][/iframe]

2012 Chagford Film Festive – Vintage Mobile Cinema from Stephen Saunders on Vimeo.