For one night only—November 12th, 2018—fans will be able to experience the concert recorded live at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome on the big screen across the world in stunning 4cine 5.1 surround sound
ENGLAND, UK, November 12th, 2018—Julian Pinn Ltd signs UK’s MusicScreen Ltd to its popular cinema optimizing sound platform expanding its services into the Event Cinema marketspace. unlocks the power of cinema by introducing three ground-breaking concepts: mix-extraction, analysis, and cinematic-remapping. analyses final audio mixes, identifies cinema compatibility issues, and solves them quickly and accurately. The result is a cinema master that is fully conformed to relevant industry standards and optimised to preserve the original creative intent when experienced in the challenging but rewarding cinema environment.
“MusicScreen takes you to the concert. It is critical that we immerse our worldwide cinema audiences into the full concert experience and ultimately give everyone the best seat in the stadium. To achieve that we worked with cinema expert, Julian Pinn, and utilized his company’s platform to conform our final stereo mix into the precise loudness and 5.1 sound standards of the world’s cinemas. We—as are our clients—are stunned and thrilled with the results and appreciate very much how faithful the cinema experience is to the original.”—David Pope, CEO MusicScreen Ltd. was launched commercially in May 2017 and has since optimized and conformed in excess of 8000 audio mixes for cinematic exhibition across Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland and clients are delighted with the feedback from their cinema partners.
“With, we’ve developed technology, packaged within a professional cloud service, that is built from the confluence of extensive scientific research and decades of specialist experience in motion-picture content-creation, distribution, and exhibition. It has been a joy to work with MusicScreen on such a superb event and we look forward to a long relationship into the future.”—Julian Pinn, CEO Julian Pinn Ltd.
Tickets are available for this one-night-only cinema experience at the Simply Red website: