NEC Starus Cinema Projectors at ShoWest 2006 Ilse Jurrien: April 10th 2006 – 08:02 CET

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NEC Starus Cinema Projectors at ShoWest 2006 : NEC Solutions, announced at ShoWest 2006 the availability of a full new line of Starus Digital Cinema projectors. The complete family of Starus Digital Cinema projectors includes the NEC Starus NC2500S for large screen multiplexes, the Starus NC1500C for medium-sized movie screens, and the Starus NC800C for small theatres, screening rooms, and post-production facilities. NEC’s Starus Digital Cinema projectors deliver amplified brightness, sharper graphics and eye-catching color, using DLP Cinema technology from Texas Instruments. NEC Solutions America has exclusive rights to market NEC 3-chip DLP Cinema projectors provided by NEC Viewtechnology, Ltd. to the North American cinema market.