The first moving pictures were played to an audience by Eadweard Muybridge at the California School of Fine Arts in 1880. Does this count as an art film? Because if it does, we can say that cinema was an art before it has become a form of entertainment. Soon, the world had the chance to see the first commercial showing of moving pictures (it is hard to say whether it was cinema in the way we think of it today or not), hand-colored frames, all leading up to the first narrative fiction film made (incidentally, by Alice Guy-Blaché, the first female director ever). Over a century has passed from here to the 2017 Cannes Film Festival’s biggest winners and losers. In time, filmmaking has split into two major branches – one of the commercial and the other, artistic.
Source: Cheap thrills and artistic experience: Two movie cultures collide – Film News | | Movie News & Reviews