rafiki-movie (1)Big World CinemaIn an industry so globally driven by the English language, it’s often the case that international projects get overlooked by Western audiences. Whether it’s a lack of access to globally-produced cinema, language barriers, or, in more outlandish cases, an unwillingness to watch a movie with subtitles, it’s unfortunate that audiences in the West miss out on international movies. Of course, streaming platforms and digital methods of exhibition have, in the last handful of years, removed a lot of these roadblocks. Netflix in particular has proved successful in delivering some of the best international movies to millions of subscribers who, without it, would otherwise not have had the opportunity to watch them.
If international movies find it difficult to reach a larger audience, then this is particularly true for international movies that depict queer characters and LGBTQ+ stories. Which is a shame. In many ways, international cinema have been ahead of Western cinema when it comes to LGBTQ+ storytelling. As such, here’s a look at eight of the best international LGBTQ+ movies to watch.