Grossman’s spokesperson, Julie Pittilla, is reported as saying: ‘kids have always loved poo… it’s like walking into a room full of vicars and shouting something rude’. Sherds remains far from convinced, though – do children really like all this scatology, or are adults trying too hard to amuse them, like Roald Dahl’s strained jokes about royal flatulence in The Big Friendly Giant?
In the case of the National Poo Museum (NPM), located in Sandown, Isle of Wight, it is difficult to tell whether the whole thing is an attempt to win the Turner Prize for outraging the respectable middle classes (what the late 19th-century Decadent poets called épater les bourgeois), or pitching for the Museum of the Year Award (which this year found a very worthy winner in the shape of the excellent Horniman Museum).
Source: Unusual museums: from Doctor Who to ‘unicorn poo’ | The Past