Resort theatres ‘at risk’ – Blackpool Gazette
Leisure chiefs have committed to the futures of two ‘at risk’ Blackpool theatres. Source: Resort theatres ‘at risk’ – Blackpool Gazette
Leisure chiefs have committed to the futures of two ‘at risk’ Blackpool theatres. Source: Resort theatres ‘at risk’ – Blackpool Gazette
New cinema will boost Eltham town centre, South London Press Source: New cinema will boost Eltham town centre | South London Press
Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Fry are weighing in to save the historic venue Source: Celebrities join fight to save Soho’s Curzon cinema from Crossrail 2 | UK news | The Guardian
LONG GONE cinemas in Keighley will be resurrected as part of next year’s RATMA international film festival. Source: RATMA film festival seeks memories of Keighley cinema-going (From Bradford Telegraph and Argus)
Fairfax Media has bought Australian Openair Cinemas, started at Sydney’s Bondi Beach in 2003, for an undisclosed sum. Source: Fairfax Media buys Australian Openair Cinemas
Odeon has appointed Rufus Leonard to create a new identity and brand experience for the chain. Source: Rufus Leonard picks up Odeon brand identity brief