#CinemaCon2016: Barco Cinema leads the global conversion to laser projection with more than 40 top exhibitors in over 20 countries
Barco Cinema leads the global conversion to laser projection with more than 40 top exhibitors in over 20 countries
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Barco Cinema leads the global conversion to laser projection with more than 40 top exhibitors in over 20 countries
J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot and Barco boldly go into the future of cinema with “Star Trek Beyond” release in Barco Escape
The picture’s clear for exhibitors with an eye on bigger profits | Low operating costs, best 4K quality on any size of screen, Sony Digital Cinema 4K returns to CinemaCon
Barco, the global leader in digital cinema, is the laser projection partner of choice for Santikos Entertainment, which is ramping up deployment of Barco laser projectors in all nine locations in South Texas. Phase 1 of the conversion begins next month, with the exhibitor converting 75 screens to Barco’s brand new laser phosphor projectors.
Source: Explaining laser-phosphor illumination in projectors (white paper) | Barco
Plans to open the North East’s first boutique Everyman Cinema have moved a step forward after Everyman Group exchanged contracts with the developers in Durham. Source: Contracts exchanged for Everyman Cinema in Durham’s Milburngate development – Chronicle Live