Sony at CinemaCon 2018: Re-inventing the Movie-going Experience

Sony is raising the curtain on the future of cinema technology at CinemaCon 2018, with demonstrations of its 4K laser projector systems and direct view Crystal LED display technology. Since the first installation of 4K projectors in 2005, the 4K … Continued

Double debut: German screens install Europe’s first Sony 4K laser projector

Double debut: German screens install Europe’s first Sony 4K laser projector | CinemaNext supplies high brightness SRX-R815DS dual 4K projection systems to Cinecitta’ Nuremberg and CineSpace Waterfront Bremen.

VUE reopens West End Cinema

I was lucky enough to be able to join many others, to celebrate the reopening of the redeveloped Vue West End on the 10th July. The cinema is built on the site of Daly’s Theatre, which was opened on 27 June … Continued

Hawk-Eye takes flight into arts production, with Charlie Parker’s Yardbird at Hackney Empire

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        Sony Digital Cinema 4K and Hawk-Eye Innovations today announce the first full proof of concept of Hawk-Eye’s globally-renowned technology outside the world of sports broadcasting.   Hawk-Eye’s SMART Production solution is being used to capture the … Continued

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