Savoy cinema owner IMC sees profit rise to just under €8m
Group gained ownership of Savoy cinema in early 2013 after ending of bitter dispute Source: Savoy cinema owner IMC sees profit rise to just under €8m
Group gained ownership of Savoy cinema in early 2013 after ending of bitter dispute Source: Savoy cinema owner IMC sees profit rise to just under €8m
In a statement issued today to IFTN, the Board announced that despite the best efforts of the Directors and staff, and significant success in boosting commercial revenue, it has been impossible to make up the deficit caused in recent years … Continued
The soaring cost of going to see a film has been described as “outrageous” and has priced many families out of the market Source: It can cost how much to bring your family to the cinema?
The Screen cinema in Dublin’s city centre, will shut its doors in a week’s time after 35 years in operation. Source: End of an era for Dublin’s Screen cinema – RTÉ Ten
Dublin’s Screen cinema, which has operated on the corner of Hawkins Street and Townsend Street for more than 30 years, is to shut down in a week. Source: Screen cinema in Dublin to close after 35 years
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has helped generate a bumper year for the Irish cinema industry, with overall box office receipts predicted to soar to more than €100m by the end of the year. Source: Irish cinemas feel the force as … Continued