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New push to bring arthouse cinema to downtown Boulder — but where will needed $1.9M come from? – Boulder Daily Camera

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It may be now or never for the longstanding, long-suffering bid to bring an arthouse movie theater to downtown Boulder.The Downtown Boulder Partnership and the Austin-based company Violet Crown Cinemas have a plan in place that would see the development … Continued


posted in: All News, Europe, Rest | 0

The world’s leading cinema operators today announced the establishment of the Global Cinema Federation, a Worldwide grouping intended to represent cinema exhibition’s global interests.   Cinema going today is a global and dynamic phenomenon, with growing annual box office returns of … Continued

Books vs Adaptations

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In conjunction with our client Cartridge Discount the below graphic looks at some of the most famous book series in the world versus their adaptions. It looks into the average ratings of each book in a series versus the show/film, the average reading time versus the average watching time and the total sales of each to crown one version the winner.