Corona and the death of cinema (again)
What happens once the dust settles? Source: Corona and the death of cinema (again)
What happens once the dust settles? Source: Corona and the death of cinema (again)
The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of people under lockdown, unable to see friends or socialise outside for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, a new generation of apps and websites mean that the loneliness of isolation can be relieved, at least … Continued
Newcastle’s iconic Tyneside Cinema has been overwhelmed by a show of support from the public who have raised almost £30,000 in a bid to save it from closure. Source: Tyneside Cinema thanks supporters as response to its crisis raises £30,000 … Continued
The worldwide closure of cinemas in the wake of the global battle against the spread of corona virus and the confinement of millions around the world to their own homes, has led to an unprecedented uptake in streaming services. The … Continued
NEW ALBANY, Miss. (WTVA) — A plant in New Albany is closing for good, a casualty of the coronavirus. Source: VIP Cinema Seating closed for good
The shutdown of shows and sporting events has turned Paz Brennan’s world upside down. Source: Now the coronavirus infects property giants as their tenants go on strike over rent | Business | The Sunday Times