2001: A Space Odyssey Will Return to Theaters in 70mm | Den of Geek
Sci-fi fans will be able to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey in its original 70mm glory in May! Source: 2001: A Space Odyssey Will Return to Theaters in 70mm | Den of Geek
Sci-fi fans will be able to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey in its original 70mm glory in May! Source: 2001: A Space Odyssey Will Return to Theaters in 70mm | Den of Geek
For a man whose time seems so precious, Christopher Nolan doesn’t give the impression of being in a hurry. There’s a measured elegance to his response to every question — ones that range from the deep to the absurd. Yet, every … Continued
The Oscar-nominated director said that the debate was not about “film versus digital. It’s about preserving the medium for future generations.” Source: Christopher Nolan Talks Preserving Celluloid for “Future Generations” During India Visit | Hollywood Reporter
MUMBAI: Long before Facebook became the space for people to share their special moments, George Eastman had, in 1888, introduced the Kodak moment when he put the first simple camera in people’s hands and introduced the first commercial transparent film … Continued
There are many ways to spend an Easter weekend. Celebrated director Christopher Nolan chose to endure the heat and dust of Mumbai, talking up the cause of celluloid and photochemical film. Source: Christopher Nolan’s celluloid cinema dream: ‘Film is here … Continued
The festival will be getting the world premiere of the unrestored 70mm print of the 1968 masterpiece. Source: Christopher Nolan to Present ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ in Cannes for Film’s 50th Anniversary | Hollywood Reporter