Cinionic | Cinionic and Bardan power first all-laser multiplex in Chile with Cineplanet

Leading cinema companies help drive global all-laser multiplex trend in LATAM CinemaCon – Las Vegas, Nevada – April 23, 2018 – Cinionic, the Barco cinema joint venture, and digital cinema integrator Bardan Cinema, both long-term supporters of Cineplanet, have teamed up … Continued

Cinionic | Cacinesa partners with Barco and Bardan to become first all-laser cinema in El Salvador

CinemaCon, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 23, 2018 – Cinionic, the new Barco cinema joint venture, and digital cinema integrator Bardan Cinema, are supporting Cacinesa’s desire to offer guests the best moviegoing experience at Cacinesa Mundo Plaza while helping the exhibitor streamline … Continued

Sony at CinemaCon 2018: Re-inventing the Movie-going Experience

Sony is raising the curtain on the future of cinema technology at CinemaCon 2018, with demonstrations of its 4K laser projector systems and direct view Crystal LED display technology. Since the first installation of 4K projectors in 2005, the 4K … Continued

Cinionic | Cinionic launches industry-first High Contrast cinema laser projectors to power brilliant movie showings on smaller screens

Kortrijk, Belgium, April 19, 2018 – Leveraging Barco’s long history of market leadership in cinema laser technology and it success with RGB Flagship Laser projection for Premium Large Format screens, Cinionic, the Barco Cinema joint venture, now turns its attention to smaller screens. Today, … Continued