Dome-like screen in 8K is the future of immersive rides
If you love the idea of virtual reality, but hate having to wear a headset, this is going to appeal to you. Source: Dome-like screen in 8K is the future of immersive rides
If you love the idea of virtual reality, but hate having to wear a headset, this is going to appeal to you. Source: Dome-like screen in 8K is the future of immersive rides
This arcade lets you immerse yourself in VR. When we talk about VR in cinema is this the sort of thing that is meant?
The ability of virtual reality to remove distractions and enable viewers to enjoy an immersive cinema-like experience was one of the key benefits experienced by participant in a BBC research programme on the technology, but key problems must be overcome … Continued
Schilowitz, who previously worked at Fox, will explore opportunites in emerging technologies, including VR and AR. Source: Paramount Hires Ted Schilowitz as Studio’s First Futurist | Hollywood Reporter
Keen enthusiasts have little doubt that virtual reality (VR) cinema is the next big thing on the African continent. African filmmakers are already at it in the still nascent industry. Source: Reflecting on the arrival of the VR movie in … Continued