Outdoor Cinemas | InStyle UK
Outdoor cinemas, rooftop cinemas, open air cinemas, basically any cinema that screens movies outside are becoming a real cult pastime, both in London and throughout the UK. Source: Outdoor Cinemas | InStyle UK
Outdoor cinemas, rooftop cinemas, open air cinemas, basically any cinema that screens movies outside are becoming a real cult pastime, both in London and throughout the UK. Source: Outdoor Cinemas | InStyle UK
‘Move over Hollywood there is a new, must see movie destination’ is the message from Weston Favell Shopping Centre this week, as it prepares to open a new summer cinema. Source: New pop-up cinema to open at Northampton shopping centre … Continued
Equipped with an added piece of expensive technology, the Palace Gardens Drive-in Theater finally opened for the summer Friday evening. Source: Palace Gardens Drive-In reopens with digital projector – Indiana, PA – July 30, 2016
The nonprofit Loft Cinema often thanks supporters before shows by projecting the names of those who made a screening possible. Starting next month, it might be adding the sun to that list.Tucson’s independent movie theater is launching a solar-powered mobile … Continued
Christie is Technology Partner to Spain’s first Immersive Festival and Permanent 360° Dome
WEATHER willing, is there anything as dramatic as watching a film on a Cornish beach, in the Cornish wilds or even on a Cornish river? This summer there are a number of outdoor movie screenings in the county. Source: From … Continued