The China Film Cinema Bei’ao, Beijing, China has installed Unilumin’s UC-A41 LED Cinema Screen. The cinema is built with 21 halls, including a Cinity Giant Screen hall, a 4D hall, a standard laser Hall and a multifunctional Hall. It’s a reflection of the current development level of the world’s cinema technology. Hall 4 is newly installed with the UC-A41 LED cinema projection system.
The China Film Cinema Bei’ao, Beijing, China has installed Unilumin’s UC-A41 LED Cinema Screen. The cinema is built with 21 halls, including a Cinity Giant Screen hall, a 4D hall, a standard laser Hall and a multifunctional Hall.
It’s a reflection of the current development level of the world’s cinema technology. Hall 4 is newly installed with the UC-A41 LED cinema projection system.The screen was jointly developed by China Research Institute of Film Science and Technology, China Film Company and Unilumin Group.
Measuring 16.384 meters by 8.64 meters, the companies say it is currently the world’s largest DCI-certified 4K LED cinema display.The installation of UC-A41 LED cinema projection system in China Film Cinema marks the first official use of domestically made LED cinema projection systems in China’s cinemas.
Source: Chinese Exhibitor Installs Unilumin’s LED Cinema Screen | Digital Cinema Report