Located at the Silverburn Shopping Centre off the M77, this is the fourth Cineworld in Glasgow, after the flagship Renfrew Street site – two million admissions a year and rising – Parkhead, and the IMAX at the Glasgow Science Centre. With 14 screens in total, Silverburn’s unique selling point is the first Superscreen in Scotland. Superscreen is Cineworld’s own large screen format. Besides a screen stretching wall to wall and floor to near the ceiling, the Superscreen boasts a 57-speaker Dolby Atmos sound system. It is also, as you might expect, dearer with prices ranging from £10.80 adult/£7.70 child during the day rising to £14.80/£11.80 in the evenings. Tickets generally are £10.10 adult/£7.10 for children.
Source: Cineworld open new Silverburn cinema | Herald Scotland