For the past few months, movie theatres around the world have been working hard to prepare to welcome audiences back safely. In response, Cinionic, the Barco, ALPD, and CGS cinema joint venture, launched the #CinemaReady campaign. The initiative celebrates the shared love for the big screen experience and provides resources on what to expect during your next trip to the movies.
“With theatres reopening around the world, our passionate team of cinema professionals wanted to be some of the first to reconnect with the movie-going experience,” said Carl Rijsbrack, chief marketing officer, Cinionic. “Audiences have missed getting out of the house and going to the movies. With #CinemaReady, we celebrate our colleagues across the exhibition industry who have worked to create ways for us all to return to the big screen experience, where it is safe to do so.” I recently spoke with Rijsbrack via email to learn more about the effort.