EIZO Releases CS2740-X for photographers and videographers

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Videographers want to see their material in the full 4K UHD resolution, while photographers wish to preview the full sharpness of their printed images on the monitor. The ColorEdge CS2740X from EIZO fulfills both these requirements down to a tee. An ultra-sharp monitor display is guaranteed with 3840 x 2160 pixels, which corresponds to a detail resolution of 164 PPI.

The CS2740 released in October 2019 in now updated with the CS2740-X, this derivative of the 27-inch 4K modeland offers HDR input characteristics of both “Hybrid Log Gamma method” for broadcasting and “PQ method” for distribution and movie production.


Source: https://www.guru3d.com/news-story/eizo-releases-cs2740-x-for-photographers-and-videographers.html