Ever envisioned visuals bursting out of your screen? Here’s how it works!

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Tons of videos related to extended reality show how something just pops out from a screen, but then it appears to be a concept or a fully rendered video. Now Antilatency, the company behind the real-time positional tracking system, launches the XR product line Illumetry which is already on the worldwide market.

The Illumetry devices technology is based on MotionParallax3D principle that helps to build a stable illusion of a virtual hologram no matter what the point of view is. This allows a user to naturally interact with the object in 3D space in a variety of familiar and novel ways, enhancing the pipelines in key industries, such as education, healthcare, and even digital art.

Source: Ever envisioned visuals bursting out of your screen? Here’s how it works!