Exclusive Interview With Director Alex Pritz About His Sundance Winning Film The Territory

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Alex Pritz is a filmmaker based in New York, whose cinematic sensitivity allows him to weld humanism and ecology in a remarkable way. He worked as a cinematographer on the feature documentary The First Wave, directed by Matt Heineman, as well as on films such as Jon Kasbe’s When Lambs Become Lions, and My Dear Kyrgyzstan.

His recent work as director, The Territory, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Audience Awards and the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award. The picture, produced by Darren Aronofsky, has continued to travel around the festival circuit, gathering more accolades and is being distributed by National Geographic Documentary Films.

Source: Exclusive Interview With Director Alex Pritz About His Sundance Winning Film The Territory – Cinema Daily US