Last chance to book, Training for EVENT CINEMA

Last chance to book, Training for EVENT CINEMA

A 2-day professional seminar presented by High Definition & Digital Cinema Ltd. supported by Creative Skillset and endorsed by the Event Cinema Association

12th and 13th of November at the British Film Institute London

This training course, which is delivered in two parts, Capture/Distribution and Reception/Presentation, is aimed at improving the quality, viability and reliability of event cinema. It will cover the commercial and technical issues for commissioning, distribution of content from existing or new providers and ensuring the best projected pictures and sound. The training will be presented in seminar format and will be augmented by ’round table’ discussion sessions, including a case study of a live event.

Event Cinema is a team effort, it’s important to have a good understanding at every level

For more information and booking please visit

Bookings close on 7th November 2015.