Miss movie theaters? Here’s a solution from the early 20th century

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Thousands of movie theaters have shut their doors over the coronavirus pandemic. Government and public health experts say social distancing is a must to fight COVID-19. That has confined people to their homes or their cars.

Water Gardens Cinema 6 in Pleasant Grove saw a solution to the isolation.

Kyle Larsen, general manager of Water Gardens, and his staff were sitting in the office after they were shut down due to the coronavirus recommendations “just thinking of ideas.” They offered curbside pickup for popcorn and snacks.

Then, the idea hit like a fender bender.

The theater sprang to action, pulling out a projector and picking two different movies — “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse” and “The Dark Knight” — to show to people who wanted to catch a flick.

Seven days later, Water Gardens had transformed into a drive-in movie theater.


Source:  https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2020/4/8/21191638/coronavirus-covid-19-drive-in-movie-theaters-box-office