It was long before the worst of times that short-form filmmaking constituted a battle whose success rate we might call Sisyphean; or, quoting New Cinema Club co-founder Tymon Brown, “No one sees these things. The hardest part of making a movie is getting it seen. Nobody gives a shit about your project you broke your back for. There’s so many movies made with ‘a lot of hard work’ and ‘a lot of love’ and they go nowhere.” But having connections with New Cinema Club—the monthly, New York-based program of four-to-five shorts by fresh, young, diverse filmmakers and a post-screening Q & A—over the past couple years bears especially bitter fruit: their first event, in September 2018, sold out Brooklyn’s hip and emphatically happening movie-themed bar Videology, turning away something like 90 people who traveled on a Wednesday night for work with no imaginable reputation. Movies were greeted in a manner equal-part enthused and genuine; filmmakers ended the presentation with a worthwhile discussion panel; congratulations, thanks, and glad hands were extended every which way as we spilled from screening room to bar; directors probably had liquor purchased on their behalf (at the very least I recall drink tickets). It was a celebratory evening in which the hardest of hearts would find reason for hope and love of community. Later that night, the team learned Videology would swiftly close out of concern over whatever effect the impending L-train shutdown would have on financial intake. That shutdown didn’t happen; Videology still closed; New Cinema Club needed a home.