‘Once In A Generation’ Opportunity To Regenerate Kirkham’s Historic High Street

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This four-year plan, led by Fylde Council’s regeneration team in partnership with Lancashire County Council and Kirkham Town Council, includes:

Developing a new Heritage and Eco Skills Centre in the former Hillside restaurant

Creation of an Arts Centre and Community Cinema in the former TSB bank

The purchase of the Kirkgate Centre allowing for the development of key empty shop units and the creation of new affordable town centre housing

The restoration and improvement of traditional shop fronts and homes within Kirkham’s Conservation Area

The enhancement of public realm and outdoor spaces

Encouraging businesses to relocate/set up in the town centre

Development of new restaurants and creation of a thriving and diverse night-time economy Creation of a wide range of cultural and leisure activities.

Source: ‘Once In A Generation’ Opportunity To Regenerate Kirkham’s Historic High Street