Barco, the global leader in digital cinema, is the laser projection partner of choice for Santikos Entertainment, which is ramping up deployment of Barco laser projectors in all nine locations in South Texas. Phase 1 of the conversion begins next month, with the exhibitor converting 75 screens to Barco’s brand new laser phosphor projectors. Santikos was one of the first exhibitors to embrace Barco’s Flagship Laser projector at its premium Palladium IMAX Cinema in San Antonio, Texas. The exhibitor recently completed the deployment of Barco Flagship Laser projectors for all 16 screens at the new Santikos Casa Blanca Theatre, making it the first all laser projector-powered multiplex. With this latest move, Santikos is well on its way to becoming the industry’s first 100 percent Barco laser projection circuit.
“We are excited that Barco has grown its laser projection product line, which now allows us to reap the rewards of stunning image quality and low TCO across our entire circuit,” comments Art Seago, President of Santikos Entertainment. “An early adopter of laser technology for cinema, we have long realized the benefits of Barco laser projectors. They offer an ideal combination of image quality and economic value, enabling us to simplify operations and eliminate maintenance costs associated with lamp-based projectors.”
Laser phosphor technology: economical, ultra-bright and modular
The Barco DP2K-20CLP and DP2K-15CLP laser phosphor projectors, with shipment commencing in Q2 2016, are the first of a broader series of laser phosphor projectors to be launched over the coming year.
Barco laser phosphor DP2K-20CLP and DP2K-15CLP projectors deliver three times the brightness of the nearest competitor, yet can be operated at a much lower cost than lamp-based projectors. Also, with the unique laser phosphor retrofit module, exhibitors who already own a Barco cinema projector can easily and cost-effectively implement laser technology into their projectors.