Secret Garden: more than just a cinema – Access All Areas
Julian Agostini, managing director of Mash Media, reflects on his Secret Garden cinematic experience Source: Secret Garden: more than just a cinema – Access All Areas
Julian Agostini, managing director of Mash Media, reflects on his Secret Garden cinematic experience Source: Secret Garden: more than just a cinema – Access All Areas
Immersive film experience Secret Cinema is expanding into China, with a showing of James Bond film Casino Royale in Shanghai. Source: Secret Cinema expands into China – Access All Areas
PetPlace, a hub for dog owners in Abergele, North Wales, has opened a 4,000sqft cinema complex for humans and their pets. Source: Inside PetPlace’s £1.3m cinema for dogs – Access All Areas
Geodesic domes have been used as pop-up venues for events for quite some time now, but Igloo Vision has taken the concept to a whole new level. Source: Shared VR: The real experience – Access All Areas
Sally Wilton founded the Nomad in 2010 as a roaming pop-up cinema experience. The venture, the third with her name on it, is now recognised as ‘London’s best outdoor cinema’. In this interview, Wilton explains what it takes to launch … Continued