BFI Neighbourhood Cinema: Equipment Fund Final Round Open | BFI
We can help your community cinema by providing equipment. Source: BFI Neighbourhood Cinema: Equipment Fund | BFI
We can help your community cinema by providing equipment. Source: BFI Neighbourhood Cinema: Equipment Fund | BFI
Are you interested in setting up a neighbourhood cinema for your community? Saville AV is celebrating the success of BFI Neighbourhood Cinema by holding an exciting competition to find a deserving community to win a complete cinema package for their … Continued
A litany of things not quite going to plan over the last twelve yearsSeveral years ago a friend at the BFI said to me “Nice film programme! You’re better than the Curzon Soho!” However, we are very different from slick … Continued
Travel back through the decades with this gallery of plush picture-houses from the past century. via 38 pictures that show how British cinemas have changed in the past 100 years | BFI.
The BFI wants to hear from community cinemas throughout the UK working to bring great films to their areas and capture the imagination of their audiences. via bfi-press-release-bfi-fund-brings-cinema-to-local-communities-across-the-uk-2014-09-05.pdf.
Can even small, apparently insignificant, details – such as whether a character is left-handed – affect how we read a film? via Left-handed cinema | Sight & Sound | BFI.