The Emergence of Geo-Enabled 360-Degree Aerial Imagery

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Just as Loretta Lynn sang “We’ve come a long way, baby” over 40 years ago, the same can be said about the aerial photography and mapping market these days. We have seen amazing advances over the last 100-plus years when it comes to aerial photography, both with cameras—resolution, power, 3D, etc.—as well as capture methodologies—UAVs, airplanes and satellites. What originally began as a fascination for having a bird’s-eye view of the world has quickly shifted to more of a necessity in how we view our planet so we can better navigate, plan and understand the world we live in. With virtually every industry having a use for mapping or aerial photography, the way people experience maps is going through a paradigm shift with 360-degree views, 3D models, and the intersection of imagery and data.

