Going to the cinema near to where I live has been a challenge for a number of years as there is not a convenient one nearby. All of the cinema require either long bus journeys with a long walk as well. A result of this of course is that I simple don’t attend as frequently as I would like.
However, on Sunday I was able to go to a cinema in Ealing, thanks to the only mobile cinema lorry in England, operated by Picturehouse cinemas. This lorry has been travelling throughout the England over the last year visiting a variety of places along the way.
And just to clear things up, this is the only cinema of its type in England, there is of course the well known
and well established Screen Machine in Scotland and another similar setup in Ireland.

If you have seen or visited either of these cinemas in the past, then you will be familiar with the design and setup of the Picturehouse one.
It is an articulated lorry which expands sideways in order to create an auditorium with a fully functioning projection room at the back of the auditorium, the front of the trailer. The projection room door also becomes the box office and concessions kiosk before a show.
The seats are comfortable and the screen is a good size. I have certainly seen auditoriums in multiplex which are the same size or even smaller.
You can get more information about the Travelling Picturehouse here.