Why King Richard is one of the most conservative Republican values movies in recent memory

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“This world ain’t never had no respect for Richard Williams. But they going to respect y’all,” titular character Richard Williams, portrayed by Will Smith, says in an early pivotal moment of King Richard. “Y’all” in this instance is Williams’s daughters in the movie. The line was said about 11 minutes into the 2 and 1/2-hour film. Yet it’s a symbolic message that is echoed throughout the film.

King Richard is a biopic about the patriarch of the Williams family of tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams. It tells the tale of how the family overcame humble beginnings to achieve unfathomable success. In many ways, it is your typical rags-to-riches story in which the protagonists start poor, train with some of the worst equipment in the worst conditions, only to break through. But throughout this journey, and every obstacle, hurdle, barrier, and adversity, Richard emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility, perseverance, hard work, and core family values. These symbolic overtures make it one of the most conservative Republican values movies in recent memory.

Source: Why King Richard is one of the most conservative Republican values movies in recent memory