Will China Spoil the Party for IMAX in 2014?

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Who doesn’t wish that they had bought IMAX stocks in 2001? Back then the once-great large format film company had been reduced to a penny stock on the back of US cinemas filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to get out of expenses leases and also costly contracts with IMAX. Digital was just over the horizon and even the vaunted Digital Media Remastering (DMR) up-converting technology had yet to make a dent and give it access to first-run films ( re-release of “Apollo 13″ was the first DMR title). – See more at: http://celluloidjunkie.com/2014/02/22/will-china-spoil-party-imax-2014/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+celluloidjunkie+%28celluloidjunkie.com%29#sthash.vKLnTUrX.dpuf