An independent cinema in Wisbech, Cambridgshire has made the finals of a national competition to find Britain’s friendliest business. The Luxe Cinema beat some stiff competition to become one of 20 finalists in the award sponsored by Liberis, one of the UK’s largest providers of small business funding.
If it wins, the Luxe Cinema will be crowned ‘Britain’s Friendliest Business’ and will receive a cash award of £10,000.
The company impressed judges with its strong entry making the case as to why it should win the award. As well as airing independent films, the Luxe Cinema actively supports young filmmakers by promoting them on their website. They also play an integral part in their community from raising £3000 a year for various charities to sponsoring local football teams. And the cinema’s TripAdvisor rating is something to be very proud of.
The judges particularly liked the company’s community ethos – “Hopefully next year we can install a second community screen to give all of our customers more choice and not miss out on films and provide events for the community.”
Said Paul Mildenstein, CEO of Liberis, “We’ve been bowled over by the quality of entries and the obvious passion and devotion that Britain’s small businesses give to make sure their customers get the very best service. They should all be celebrated but the Luxe Cinema really stood out. ”
Each finalist now has to get as many Facebook Likes as possible as part of the final stage of the competition. The number of Likes received will be considered by the judges when they make their final decision on the winner. Support the businesses on Twitter @LiberisUK using the hashtag #BFBiz and on Facebook at
Liberis launched the competition to reward hard working small businesses who think of their customers first based on their own mission to provide business-friendly finance to small businesses – many of whom are struggling in the current tight credit environment. The company has provided over £60 million of funding to help small and medium sized businesses grow.
The winner and two runners up of Britain’s Friendliest Business competition will be announced at the end of February.